Rising Star, RB Ty London, West Feliciana(St. Francisville LA)

Ty London is a 15-year-old and is in the 8th grade with a 3.0 GPA. During this junior high bowl game Ty had 7 carriers for 23 rushing yards and slo recorded a touchdown. Ty London is a 15-year-old in the 8th grade listed at 5’8 and weighing 152lbs. During his middle school career he had 17 total touchdowns, and over 1200 yards. Ty London has great size for his age, he has the ability to get down field.

What are some things you overcome in life?

” My cousin passing and it made me stronger and determined to go all the way.”

What player do you compare yourself to and why?

“Christian McCaffery because he sees the field very well.”

What is your plans once your done with football and why?

“Keep elevating and perfecting my craft.”

what do you like about the Sport of football and how is it significant to you?

“Everything honestly, I love the sport of football and being a good player so younger kids can look up to me.”

What did it mean to be able to play in the Gridiron football Bowl game?

“It meant a lot to be able and play in the Gridiron football bowl game.”

What is an interesting fact about you outside of football?

“I’m a leader on and off the field.”

What is your dream school to play for in college?

“My dream school is LSU.”

What are your current football goals?

“To make it to the NFL.”

What’s something your’re working to improve?

“I want to get faster.

what is a strength you have in the game?

“My ability to read the field.”

what’s your favorite activity outside of football?

“Play my game.”

what’s something football taught you?

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