DITR: Jaylon Landry

Jaylon Landry is a defensive lineman in the class of 2023 for Lake Charles College Prep in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Standing in at 6’ and 275 lbs., Landry is not a player you should underestimate on the line. With great quickness off the snap, combined with his incredible strength, stopping him from getting into the backfield is a lost cause.  His physical attributes may be impressive, but his IQ and ability to see the play stands out to me, he is always one step ahead of the offense. Combine all Landry has to offer, and you have yourself an unstoppable force on the defensive line. His work ethic on the field carries right over into the classroom as he posted a 3.62 GPA! With two more years of high school football and unlimited potential, Jaylon Landry should be a player everyone is looking out for.

When did you start playing football and why? I started playing football around nine years ago, and my uncle got me into it, he brought me to one of his sons’ practices and I wanted to play too. I later found out that it could be something that I could do to help my family.

Favorite moment of your career so far? This year when we saved the game and beat a team in the third round of the playoffs

What current or past player do you think you play like the most? I try to play like Derrick Brown, I try to mimic his game

Do you play any sports outside of football, and what do you think you adds to your game? Wrestling, a lot of people don’t notice, but it really helps with my position, it teaches me to stay low and use my hands

Do you have any pregame rituals? I just go to the end zone and pray

Going into your junior season, what are you looking forward to? Producing a lot more than I did this year, it was a big jump from my freshman year, and I hope it’s a bigger leap next year.

Do you have a quote or anything that pushes you daily? Don’t forget where you started

What do you think a college would get out of you as a player? I think whoever gives me a chance will get a good defensive lineman, hard worker, team player, I’m selfless, and they will get my all.

What do you think makes you a good teammate? Holding people accountable, when they mess up, I try to correct them and be a leader

Who has pushed you most in your football journey? My mom, grandma, or girlfriend.

What do you think sets you apart from other athletes? I don’t do parties or anything, I normally just stay to myself, and I try to stay out of trouble

What do you think the best part of your game is? The way I’m able to flip the switch when the game start

Would you consider yourself a speed, power, or finesse rusher? I’m working on my power the most so I think I would have to say a power rusher, I’m a strong bull rusher

What’s your go-to move to get past the O-line? Probably a bull rush or a quick spin

Which technique do you prefer to line up in? 3 technique

Which defensive scheme would utilize your skills best? 4-3 or 3-4

What are you thinking pre-snap? Watch the hips and hands of the people in front of me

Would you consider yourself a hard hitter or more conservative? I would say I’m in the middle, when I get the chance, I will hit someone hard, but making the tackle takes priority

What’s your favorite part of playing D-tackle? You get to take your anger out without getting in trouble