D.I.T.R: Brandon Musch

Brandon Musch is a 5’10” 190 lb class of 2024 Quarterback for Westminster Christian Academy in Huntsville, AL. Brandon is an ELITE underrated quarterback who can stand in the pocket and deliver a strike or even create for himself when the designed play breaks down. Brandon has some great speed for a quarterback with a 4.6 40-yard dash and thrives in the spread-style offense that Westminster runs. Brandon is consistently finding the open receiver and these decisions are reflected in his statistics. Last year as a junior, Brandon had 2403 passing yards, 32 passing touchdowns, and only 6 interceptions. He also led the team in rushing with 1395 yards and 26 touchdowns in only 11 games. Brandon said that he can only improve and the sky is the limit for his recruiting future, and I agree with him. Check out our Q&A below!

Can you tell us your name and position on the football team?

Brandon Musch, Quarterback

What made you decide to play football in high school? 

It all started when I was about 8 years old. My mom was really against me playing football because she was scared for my safety. My dad eventually vouched for me playing and ever since then it stuck.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced on the field? 

When you play the game of football, you will face adversity whether it is within your control or out of your control. I also know that I do not have the most ideal size for a football player at my position, so this keeps me motivated and hungry.

How do you motivate yourself when things get tough during a game?

When my team faces adversity I remind my team that we can only control what we can control. As an individual I have to focus on doing my own job and trusting my teammates to do theirs.

What do you think sets you apart from other players on your team? 

My experience at the varsity level sets me apart from others on the team. I got my first varsity experience in 8th grade.

Can you talk about a moment in your football career that you’re particularly proud of? 

I have two proud moments. As an 8th grader I was a third stringer and ended up having to lead my team to a scoring drive during a playoff game. Another time was when our team was losing by a score of 42-14 at halftime. After having a talk with the offensive coordinator at halftime we eventually scored 69 points. 

How do you handle the pressure of being an important player on the team? 

I think that your preparation and confidence within your team and yourself minimizes any pressure that I may feel during a game.

How do you balance football and your academic studies? 

They call us student-athletes for a reason. Academics is more important than football. Planning ahead and having an academic plan is important to my academic success is key to balancing school with football. 

What have you learned about teamwork through playing football? 

Teamwork is everything when it comes to football. Football is the best team sport of all time. If everyone does not do their job then it will cost your team no matter what.

Can you describe your pre-game ritual or superstitions? 

As a team we walk the field. After that I like to get throws in with my receivers. We start at the 50 going in and run different routes every 5 yards until we get to the goal line. I also walk the field with my best friend Zeke. We meet in the middle, hug each other, and let him know that I’m praying for him and let’s go win this game.

Who is your biggest inspiration or role model in the sport of football?

I like to watch Bryce Young as a role model for a Quarterback. He’s not the tallest guy, but he has a great football IQ and play-making abilities. He plays the game how a point guard plays basketball. 

How do you stay physically and mentally prepared for each game? 

Physically, I give all credit to our Strength and Conditioning Coach who keeps us loose and healthy. He is a big part of why our team is always physically prepared. Mentally, I like to let loose, smile, and have fun with my guys.

What are your goals for the future, both on and off the field?

On the field, I want to win a State Championship for my team. I’m not really focused on my individual goals because I am only focused on winning. Off the field, I want to keep my relationship with God and keep him first because I am only able to perform in his glory. 

What advice would you give to young aspiring football players?

You must keep God first because without him you would not be able to play the game. He blessed you with the gifts you have and allows you to perform with the abilities that you have. Also, you do not have to listen to the outside noise, take your diet seriously, and never let anyone outwork you.

What do you hope to achieve with your football career in the future?

I would love to play college football given the opportunity. However, I believe that whatever happens is God’s plan and will be satisfied with any opportunities that come my way.