D.I.T.R: Avrion Lawson

Avrion Lawson is a 5’9 145lb. CB/FS out of Madison Prep Academy in Baton Rouge, LA. The Class of 2025 prospect from Ruston, LA, transferred to Madison Prep and overcame the challenge in switching positions from a Cornerback to a Safety. However, Avrion’s athleticism allowed him to quickly adapt to the new physical playing style he now endures. By utilizing his natural instincts and high IQ on defense, it brings an advantage by being able to pick up on what plays the offense are trying to run. Lawson’s success on the field also translates in the classroom as an outstanding young man by maintaining a 4.0 GPA. This is a Diamond in the Rough that coaches in the next level would want to welcome in their program.

Q&A with Avrion:

When did you start playing football?

I started playing football in 2021, my eighth-grade year.

Do you play any other sports?

I am in the process of running my first year in track.

Which NFL player serves as a role model to you and why? 

I would say L’Jarius Sneed because my brother who played football with him at LA Tech said that I reminded him of Sneed. I was told I should start watching him more and that he was so great because he played low and dropped his hips for everything.

What have you learned about yourself while playing football?

I learned that I hate to lose, and that I am very competitive. Football has taught me to be competitive and not weak minded. In life you can’t be weak, and you can’t have people feeling sorry for what is going on in your life. You always got to find a way to get out a situation or you find yourself digging in a deeper hole.

Favorite football memory?

My favorite memory was catching my first high school interception ever in my 9th grade year. It was a pick six on the first play of defense and the team was running hitches on both sides. I was on cover 3 and the receiver dropped the ball and that’s when I caught it in my hands and took it to the end zone.

What motivates you every day to get up and work hard?

 My family situation and knowing they really depend on me for the future. I know I can provide them a better future.

What is your dream school and what will they get out of you as a player?

 My dream school is LSU, and they would get a young man willing to bring it, a young man with courtesy and class. They would get everything out of a young man that they would want.

How would your teammates and coaches describe you?

They would describe me as very energetic, very intelligent, and my IQ is up there. They would also say how goofy I am as well.

How would your teachers describe you? 

My teachers tell me once I get a grip of something we’re learning, I master it well. My teachers also say I get on their nerves not in a bad way, but in a good way.

Do you find it difficult balancing school while being a 4.0 student-athlete? 

No ma’am, you got to plan ahead in how you handle your schoolwork and athletics. Once you use your free time to do schoolwork, then you are fine. It is all about using your free time wisely.

What is one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge was transferring from Ruston to Madison Prep. I transferred to two entirely different environments and different crowds. I had to learn to adapt when I was also behind in the weight room and offseason training. It was the matter of learning new plays and an entirely new position from corner to safety. I was so used to being so athletic to becoming more of a physical player. I’m still in the process of developing that mindset especially at this school because we go against a lot of teams that run the ball. I can say I have adapted, and coaches have started to love my development as well.

What is your end goal in doing all this?

To become a great man in life. If things like the NFL could pop up, I would be grateful. My end goal is to really just be a great man in this world. The NFL is always the ultimate dream but just being a good person.

What makes you stand out as an athlete?

How smart I am and my natural instincts. I am very instinctive by picking up on what the offense is trying to do. I stay in the game.

What position do you see yourself playing in the next level?

Slot corner or nickelback. I’m a defensive back but I’ll be all over the field in the next levels. I am a good utility player.