Diamond in the Rough: Jacob Zamot

Jacob Zamot is a class of 2024 quarterback from Millville High School in New Jersey. He is a 6’1 and weighs around 190 pounds. Jacob is a dual threat quarterback with great speed and incredible pocket awareness. While watching his highlights, I noticed Jacob does a good job at staying composed in the pocket and not letting the defensive pressure get to him. He has the ability to extend plays and uses his athleticism to gain yards with his legs. Jacob is a physical ball carrier, who is not afraid to put his head down and gain a few more yards for his team. He also does well at getting out of the pocket, keeping his eyes downfield and reading coverages to find his receivers. Jacob has a strong arm with a great touch on the deep ball. Through four games this season, Jacob has 910 passing yards with 8 touchdown passes. Jacob currently has a 4.0 GPA. 

Jacob’s Twitter handle

When did you start playing football?

When I was 5 years old.

What is your biggest strength as a player?

My Confidence and athleticism 

What is your personal goal for this season?

Win Back to back championships

Is there anything specifically you worked on this past offseason/summer?

Ability to read the defenses, pocket movement, speed, strength, and accuracy

Can you talk about the leadership aspect that comes with the role of QB?

Qb is the main leader of the team and the team’s success depends on the QB Play. I take a lot of pride in my leadership qualities.

What motivates you as a player?

My love for the game and to be successful so I can make it to the next level so my parents don’t have to pay for college

Can you describe a time where you might have experienced some type of adversity?

Absolutely, I faced adversity my entire life and I was always a backup, but I put in so much work to be successful and it’s showing this season.

Is there any current NFL or college player that you might model your game after or like to watch on film?

Josh Allen

Football aside, who would you say is your biggest role model/ someone you look up to?

My dad and my big brother who’s a division 1 Quarterback.

What are some of your hobbies?

Of course football but also, working out, reading my Bible, and playing video games.

What separates you from the thousands of other recruits trying to play division I football?

My Faith in Jesus Christ, my Confidence, my leadership and definitely my Work ethic.

What do you love about the game of football?

Everything, putting on my pads, getting in the huddle with my teammates, leading game winning drives, and playing in the spotlight hearing the crowd screaming.

What is something that you would want college coaches to know about you?

I’m an extremely hard worker, I’m extremely dedicated, and I will do whatever it takes to help my team be successful