D.I.T.R: Braxton Peters

Braxton Peters is a 6’2″ 190 lb class of 2024 Quarterback for the West Morgan Rebels from Trinity, Alabama. Braxton is a three-year starter who has played a lot of football and led West Morgan to the playoffs. He is also a very strong kid and may be the strongest on the entire team. Braxton is a very decisive Quarterback who makes quick decisions and takes what the defense gives him. Braxton is not afraid to get dirty in the running game. A lot of his tape is him running the ball hard while not afraid of contact from defenders. Braxton is a very tough dual-threat quarterback who can excel in the power-running game and quick passing. If he needs to, Braxton is wiling to take a downfield shot every now and then. Braxton is excited about the next season and is ready to lead his team to a State Championship! Check out our Q&A below!

Can you tell us your name and position on the football team?

Braxton Peters, Quarterback. 

What made you decide to play football in high school?

I started when I was in 2nd grade and I fell in love with it. After I fell in love with it, playing football ended up being a routine. I have had many different experiences with football, but Coach Phillips has allowed me to elevate my game to the highest level ever. 

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced on the field?  

Playing in tight games was very difficult. My sophomore season I was a part of some close heartbreaking losses, but I am happy because this built us as a team. Losing to Cherokee County in the playoffs last year after breaking my wrist a few games prior, it was very difficult to try and bring us back in the 4th.

How do you motivate yourself when things get tough during a game?

Mainly, we never look at the scoreboard as it’s the worst possible thing you can do in a game. Considering where I play ball, I have an entire city supporting me and having my back through anything. Lastly, nobody wants to be considered the kid who does not try his hardest or give his best effort.

What do you think sets you apart from other players on your team? 

I think I’m more of a lead-by-example type of guy. I am not as vocal as you would expect a quarterback to be. I like to put others before me, by taking care of others with similar problems that I know can be solved.

Can you talk about a moment in your football career that you’re particularly proud of?

During my sophomore season, there was a QB one year ahead of me, and we ended up having to compete for the starting spot that season. We both played that year but I eventually ended up taking over and working my way into the main starting spot. This was the most proud I’ve been of myself.

How do you handle the pressure of being an important player on the team?

The only pressure that’s on you is the pressure that you put on yourself. There is no pressure to handle the game when you believe in yourself.

How do you balance football and your academic studies? 

Everybody I’ve talked to in my life tells me to put my academics first. I have a teacher for a mother and she constantly pushes me to be better. You have to push football to the side when focusing on academics.

What have you learned about teamwork through playing football? 

It always takes 11 players to win a football game. When you practice hard together as a family, the game is the easy part to showcase the teamwork that a group has to rely on to be successful.

Can you describe your pre-game ritual or superstitions?

I have to close doors twice, I have to walk to the left of everyone or everything, and if I touch something with my left hand then I must touch with my right hand as well. Lastly, I like to pray before every game. Coach Phillips is very superstitious about pre-game meals and if we win, we will eat the same pre-game meal next week.

Who is your biggest inspiration or role model in the sport of football?

My dad is the person who got me into playing football. He didn’t have the same support system that I had, but I’ve always looked up to him as a player. He’s always the person pushing me to be the best I can be.

How do you stay physically and mentally prepared for each game?

Mentally, I practice hard and pray. Physically, we practice and hit the weight room consistently. Also, eating healthy is important. Visualizing yourself making plays and taking time away from football is mentally important when preparing for a game.

What are your goals for the future, both on and off the field? 

On the field, I would love to play for a D-I college, and beyond (NFL). Hopefully, one day I can get a business degree and go into the heating and cooling industry.

What advice would you give to young aspiring football players?

I would tell them to be a leader and guide your teammates down the right path. Mainly, if you aren’t having fun then the game is not for you.

What do you hope to achieve with your football career in the future?

I want to win the State Championship this year. After that, hopefully I can grab a D-I scholarship to play football somewhere.