D.I.T.R. Brandon Blunt

Brandon Blunt is a 5’10” 165lb Wide Receiver who plays at Madison Prep in Baton Rouge,LA. Brandon is a very skilled receiver who uses his athleticism and his hands to make plays. Brandons athleticism allows him to jump over opposing defensive backs to haul in receptions. Brandon joins his teammates Jeremiah Cotton and Bernard Kirk as fellow Madison Prep players to be featured as a D.I.T.R. Brandons combination of route running, speed, and catching abilities make him a D.I.T.R to get coaches attention this season.

I got the opportunity to speak with Brandon and get some more insight on his career and personal experiences.

Q/A with Brandon Blunt

When did you start playing football and why did you start playing?

“I started playing when I was 5 years old. When I was younger I would go to my older cousin John Joseph’s games and he was the star of the team which is what inspired me to follow his footsteps.”

What aspect of the game made you fall in love with the sport?

“I fell in love with football when I found out I could go to school for free by playing football. The idea of me working hard enough to save my momma money was enough for me to fall in love.”

Do you play any other sports?

“Yes I run track too”

Who do you look up to as a role model?

“I look up to my momma. She is the reason I’m still playing football. She pushes me to be better everyday.”

Is there a player that you try to model your game after?

“In the league I try to model my game after Justin Jefferson. His story is great and is also one I relate too. He was undersized coming into highschool but once he grew he became a great receiver and that’s what I want to be. His playstyle is also similar to mine with being a good route runner as well as great hands. I also try to model my game after Odell because I grew up watching him catch some impossible catches which is something I have worked on since watching him when I was younger.”

What have you learned about yourself from playing football?

“I learned that I am better than what I make myself out to be in my head. I have self doubt sometimes but football teaches me that I am good enough. I also learned that If I stay patient and trust God I will get what I have been praying for for a long time.”

What sets you apart from the other players at your position?

“My route running and my receiving skills”

What motivates you to get better every day?

“I’m motivated by knowing that if I work harder than I did yesterday that I will become somebody great”

What kind of goals do you have set for yourself this upcoming season?

” One goal that I always keep in the back of my mind is to be the WR1. I want to be the guy that everyone relies on.”

What is a characteristic you believe you are weaker in and what are you doing to improve?

“I struggle with being the voice of the team. I’m a quiet guy but I try and work on being a team leader to get everybody in line.”

What have you learned about teamwork from your past experiences on your teams?

“I learned that teamwork take everyone. There is no one man show. It takes all 22 of us, offense and defense, to win a game.”

What do you see yourself accomplishing after high school?

“I see myself finishing college career breaking all kinds of records and being the 1st pick in the NFL Draft.”

Are there any characteristics that you try to represent for younger players that may look up to you?

“I try to motivate the younger guys to keep their heads high in struggling times.”

What do you think is the most important element of teamwork?

“Chemistry definitely, making sure we are all on the same page and knowing what works best for everyone.”

How do you personally prepare yourself for a big game?

“I pray to God, there is nothing much else you can do besides that. He will always have your back, nothing more and nothing less.”