Diamond In The Rough: Jarrius Snearl

Jarrius Snearl is a linebacker who attends Glen Oaks High School and is a member of the 2021 class. He is not ranked as highly as some colleges would like, but what stands out about him is his versatility.  Many high school players play on both sides of the ball; Jarrius not only plays on both sides but depending on situations will play multiple positions on either side.  He is listed as a middle linebacker/ strong safety, but on film I’ve seen him line up on special teams, as a tight end, as a receiver, and even at quarterback.  Last year was not great for him and his team due to having to learn a new scheme, but he has good size and shows promise of making a big impact this year.  

How long have you played football? 

I started playing around the 3rd grade for the West Side Bulldogs. 

How was last season? 

It was a learning experience. We had new coaches, so we were just learning the program. 

What are your expectations going into this year? 

Well, we’ve been working a lot. So, I expect to win more games and make it further in the playoffs.  

How have you stayed in shape since Corona shut everything down? 

Just running on the track, going to work out sessions and just going out to the field. 

What do you think your biggest accomplishment on the field is? 

Probably getting offers and looks from college teams. 

Is there anyone you try to emulate your game after? 

Christian Harris from Alabama.  I played against him during my 9th grade year. 

What would you like to improve the most about your game? 

Honestly my speed. I’m fast for my size, but I’d be better if I had more speed. 

You say you want to improve your speed, what’s your fastest 40 time? 

About a 4.50. 

Do you or have you played any other sports? 

Yes sir, I play basketball. 

What do you like to do in your free time? 

Probably just spending time with my brothers and sisters, trying to be a positive role model to them. I watch a decent bit of film also. 

What do you love most about playing football? 

I love being able to hit people and not get in trouble for it. Other than that, I just have a pure love for the game. 

How do you prepare for a game? 

I listen to music to stay focused and spend time watching film with my teammates. 

How would you describe yourself as a player and teammate? 

Confident. My team is confident in me and I’m confident in myself. They know that if its 4th and 1 and we need to make a stop that I will make the tackle. 

What motivates you to play? 

I’ve been playing for a long time, and my family is always there watching me. Seeing them in the stands motivates me to go hard on the field. 

Where do you see yourself in a few years? 

Hopefully playing in college. 

Any advice for younger players? 

It is not always about yourself.  You have to learn, get as much experience as you can so when you get on the field you know what to do. Some people come out and don’t know the game and they get exposed.  You just need to study the game, be a student of the game.